Understanding Motorcycle Accident Injury Laws in Florida

The Sunshine State protects its motorcycle riders under Florida motorcycle laws. These laws hold negligent drivers and riders responsible for injuries to innocent motorcyclists. Because Sarasota and Bradenton motorcyclists can file a personal injury claim to recover compensation for their injuries due to another motor vehicle driver’s negligence, all riders should be familiar with Florida’s motorcycle laws in case of a motorcycle accident.

Motorcyclist Rights Equal Driver Rights

Florida Statute 316.208 grants motorcyclists the same rights and duties as a driver of any other motor vehicle. However, special regulations can apply such as with the operation of a moped.

Motorcycles Require Certain Equipment

Aside from taking certain steps to prevent motorcycle accidents such as wearing a helmet, motorcyclists must comply with Florida law and make sure their motorcycles contain certain equipment such as mirrors for instance, and that they are in compliance with regulations such as the following:

  • Stop Lamps

Each motorcycle must be equipped with at least one stop lamp. Without it, the motorcyclist can receive a traffic ticket.

  • Turn Signals

Florida law requires motorcycles to have electric turn signals. In the event of a motorcycle accident, not having turn signals will have a negative impact on the outcome of the personal injury case. A defendant can claim that had the motorcycle have turn signals, the accident may have never happened.

  • Headlights

Florida Statute 316.405 requires motorcycle headlights to be in the on position during the day.

  • Handlebars Must Be Level with Rider’s Shoulders

Per Florida Statute 316.2095, motorcycle handlebars or handgrips should not be higher than the top of the shoulders of the motorcycle rider when he or she is seated properly.

Motorcycle Riders Have Rules Too

Motorcycle riders must wear specific gear while riding a motorcycle. Although there are exceptions to wearing a helmet, other equipment and items are necessary if one wants to operate a motorcycle in the state of Florida. Motorcyclists must wear or have the below items in his or her possession:

  • Motorcycle Endorsement or motorcycle license (complete basic rider course)
  • Helmet if under the age of 21
  • DOT-approved eye protection (a motorcycle windshield will not suffice)
  • Property damage and bodily injury liability insurance per Florida’s Financial Responsibility law (Florida’s personal injury protection (PIP) no-fault insurance statute does not apply to motorcycles)

Types of Compensation in a Florida Motorcycle Accident Case

Because motorcyclists do not have the benefit of PIP no-fault insurance, they will have to file a claim or lawsuit against the at-fault driver or rider to recover compensation. If a motorcyclist receives injuries and property damage as the result of an accident, he or she can possibly recover these forms of compensation, among others:

  • Medical bills, past and future
  • Pain and suffering, past and future
  • Lost wages and loss of future earning capacity

If you are the victim of a motorcycle accident in Sarasota or Bradenton, Call Hale Law at 941-735-4529.

If you were involved in a motorcycle accident in Sarasota or Bradenton and sustained injuries, contact Hale Law, your Sarasota motorcycle accident attorneys at Hale Law. We will fight aggressively for your rights and ensure you get the highest amount of compensation you deserve. Call at 941-735-4529 or contact us online for a consultation with an experienced Sarasota motorcycle accident attorney today. There’s no fee unless we recover for you.
