Our Sarasota Office Has Moved

We are proud to announce that due to our remarkable growth in the Sarasota area, we are moving to a new location on April 1, 2020. The new location, which will allow us to serve you better by providing even more space, is located at the beautiful Pen West Park off of Fruitville Road. The address is 2803 Fruitville Road, Suite 240, Sarasota, FL 34237.

Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), we will continue to offer our legal services remotely so we can keep our clients, staff, and community safe. We appreciate your continued trust and support through these times. We hope you will get acquainted with our new location in the future. We have ample parking!

In the meantime, keep safe and heed all government precautions for everyone. Although we are staying physically distant for right now, remember, we are still here for you.