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150 new Florida laws go into effect today, and here’s what some of them mean for you!

  • The Parental Rights Education Act prevents certain instructions about gender identity and sexuality from Kindergarten to Third grade. Parents will be able to sue for damages and attorney’s fees if the school district does not resolve a complaint about a child’s education.
  • The ‘Stop Woke Act’ prohibits any teaching that would make students feel personally responsible for historic wrongdoings because of their race, color, sex, or national origin. The law will restrict race-based teaching and training in schools, universities, and workplaces.
  • Legislation has now been enacted to order the state Board of Education to develop rules for school emergency drills and will require the school board to adopt a family reunification plan after an evacuation. This legislation was made in the hopes of preventing further tragedy in our schools.
  • Florida law will now restrict how loud your music can be played in your vehicle. You could be issued a ticket if your music is audible from 25 feet away.
  • As of today, convicted juveniles can expunge their criminal records, including non-forcible felonies, if they complete a court-ordered diversion program. Non-forcible felonies include murder, rape, carjacking, and many others.
  • Our state legislature now allows for local governments to ban smoking on public beaches. This law hopes to reduce litter and public exposure to smoke.
  • Lastly, but definitely not least, is dessert. The new official dessert of Florida is strawberry shortcake.

Many other laws have also gone into effect today, July 1, 2022. Hale Law encourages all Florida residents and repeat visitors to do their research and see what new laws and restrictions now apply to them.