Independence Day, also known as the Fourth of July, is the day where we declared that the thirteen colonies of America were no longer subject (and subordinate) to the monarch of Britain, King George III, making us the free and independent country we are today. Independence Day is commonly associated today with fireworks, parades, barbecues, picnics, concerts, family reunions, and ceremonies.
Although the 4th may be a fun and exciting day for all, always remember that people tend to go out and have a fun time to celebrate. Specifically, people tend to consume more alcohol than they should. People also stay up for longer hours to watch and enjoy firework ceremonies and shows. While we wish everyone to enjoy this Fourth of July holiday, be sure to stay safe and stay cautious of others. On the Fourth, roadways can get very crowded due to the amount of people going out to enjoy the day of celebration. Be very cautious of others on the road that evening since people tend to drink, get tired, and become distracted more easily. We want to remind everyone to always drive safely and as a reasonably prudent person should.
If you or a loved one do happen to get injured in an accident, whether it is a slip and fall or a car crash, be sure to call Hale Law P.A. for a free attorney consultation about your rights afterwards. Here at Hale Law, we handle insurance company communications and settlement negotiations so your focus can be your health and wellbeing. If an insurance company calls you afterwards, tell them “You’re going to Hale” and give us a call. We do not get paid unless you do.