2022 One of The Deadliest Years In U.S. History For Drivers

Between January and March of 2022, 9,500 Americans lost their lives to car accidents— already making 2022 one of the deadliest years in U.S. history for drivers. This is a stark contrast from previous years, in which the first quarter is typically the least deadly for drivers.

These figures are only increasing as the year progresses, with an unprecedented surge of car crash deaths since the pandemic. There are many possibilities explaining these car accident spikes, as driving habits have undoubtedly changed since the pandemic. During pandemic-related lockdowns, closures and precautions, drivers became accustomed to emptier roads, but in 2022 there was a 5% increase in drivers between January to March.

New technologies, policies, and infrastructure laws are actively under development to address these accident spikes. Some include mandated technologies to be installed in new vehicles to monitor blood alcohol levels.

The accident attorneys at Hale Law wish to remind everyone to always be safe when driving and before getting on the road. If you are ever injured in a motor vehicle accident to no fault of your own, please feel free to reach out to us anytime. We are here to help 24/7.

Our attorneys provide free consultations. Ensuing representation is free unless we recover compensation. Call us anytime at 941-735-4529 or visit us on our website at halelaw.com to chat with us and for more information.