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Lakewood Ranch Truck Accident Attorney

Collisions with large trucks often leave occupants of passenger vehicles, as well as non-occupants such as cyclists and pedestrians, with extreme, life-threatening injuries. Because victims’ damages are so severe, they often require extensive time away from work to recover. The Lakewood Ranch truck accident attorneys at Hale Law can help you get back on your feet financially by ensuring that all of your damages are properly compensated for.

Why Truck Accident Are So Dangerous

When it comes to the severity of damages caused in truck accidents, it comes down to physics. The mass difference between a truck and a passenger vehicle is extreme. The average weight of an American passenger vehicle is just under 4,000 pounds. The maximum non-oversized weight of a semi-trailer is 88,000 pounds, according to Big Truck Guide—20 times larger. Braking, maneuvering, and cornering abilities are also greatly reduced in large trucks because of their size. Seeing to the sides and rear is also greatly reduced, which makes trucks likely to merge into vehicles in their blind spots. Finally, the height of trucks, and their trailers, makes them more likely to crush a passenger vehicle by rolling over or toppling over on top of the smaller vehicle.

Top Causes of Truck Collisions

  • Speeding—Speeding, particularly in-town or around corners or on/off ramps, is a top cause of truck collisions.
  • Distracted Driving—Truck drivers tend to put in long hours on the road. To combat boredom, they are likely to engage in distractions such as texting, watching TV, or daydreaming. This can lead to a failure to check their mirrors before changing lanes, tailgating, delayed reaction to stopped traffic up ahead, etc.
  • Drowsy Driving/Falling Asleep—Truck drivers must take mandatory rest periods within a given amount of hours on the road in order to prevent falling asleep at the wheel or drowsy driving, which can be as dangerous as drunk driving. However, many trucking companies disobey these laws. Even worse, the federal government recently eased these safety regulations, according to Roll Call.
  • Aggressive Driving—Truck drivers who engage in road rage, such as speeding, not allowing other road users to merge, and tailgating are likely to cause serious collisions.
  • Overloading the Truck—Overloading or improperly loading/tying down cargo can lead to rollover, braking issues, and items falling off of the truck that may cause other road users to crash.
  • Mechanical Failure—Braking issues and tire blowouts are more common among trucks than passenger vehicles because their weight and long miles between routine maintenance.

Reach Out to Our Experienced Lakewood Ranch Truck Accident Attorneys Today

Victims of truck collisions have the ability to file a personal injury claim to be compensated for their medical expenses, lost wages and earning capacity, pain and suffering, property damage, and much more. We urge you to get started on this legal process as soon as possible by calling our Lakewood Ranch truck accident attorneys at Hale Law today at 941-735-4529 to schedule a free consultation.

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