Car accidents are the most common type of personal injury, often leading to large settlements and court judgments. Even though, according to Florida law, drivers can recover compensation if they were partially at fault for the accident, everyone should try to keep distractions at a minimum when on the road. Today, we will discuss typical distractions that lead to car accidents, how to avoid them, and how to notice them in other drivers.
Practice Safe Driving At All Times
While some car accidents are clearly the fault of one driver, many settlements blame multiple parties, reducing the payout for the victim. Florida allows you to receive compensation when at fault, but you lose access to part of the money based on your level of responsibility.
For example, if you were speeding and came to an agreement with the other party that you were at fault 10% for the severity of the accident, you would only be able to receive 90% of the total amount awarded to you in court or through the settlement. Florida recently passed a new law stating you cannot recover anything if you are found more than 50% at fault.
It is impossible to stop every accident from occurring singlehandedly. Still, you can always practice safe driving to reduce the chances of a serious accident, minimize injuries, and receive more money in the event a bad accident does happen.
Common Types of Distracted Driving Accidents
Statisitcally, there are several common reasons that distracted driving accidents occur. These include:
- Electronic Devices: Very few people can claim to have never used a phone, GPS, or music player when their eyes should have been firmly on the road. Most of the time, small glances don’t cause any issues, but it only takes one mistake or unlucky scenario for a huge accident to occur. Even seemingly harmless hands-free options like Bluetooth calling can diminish your concentration while operating a vehicle. Do your best to keep electronic communication to a minimum while on the road (which can be illegal in Florida), and be on the lookout for drivers nearby who aren’t devoting their full attention to the task at hand. If possible, slow down and let them move out of your immediate vicinity before they hit you or a vehicle around you.
- Passengers: Even if we know that we must focus on the road when driving, humans tend to make eye contact and turn their heads when engaged in deep conversations or debates. It can feel jarring to speak to someone for an extended period without looking them in the eyes or addressing them head-on. Although it may feel unfamiliar, maintaining consistent eye contact with the road significantly enhances the safety of everyone inside the vehicle. If you have kids in the back seat that may need attention, designate another passenger as the primary person to address their needs, or pull over to the side of the road if only you alone can help them. Never try to turn your body 180 degrees while operating a moving vehicle.
- Snacks, Food, and Drinks: Eating some of the snacks you brought with you can be tempting, especially on long road trips. However, studies have consistently demonstrated that these actions decrease drivers’ reaction time, leading to avoidable accidents. While eating or drinking may not drastically impair your driving skills, the repetitive act of diverting your attention from the road to handle your meal poses a significant danger.
If you suffered an injury from a car accident due to another negligent driver, even if you were partially at fault, you need to contact an attorney who can help win you the compensation you deserve. Contact the experts at Hale Law today to discuss your case for free. Remember, you pay nothing unless we win.