Bradenton Amputation Injury Attorney

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Bradenton Amputation Injury Attorney

Some traumas to the body are too extreme for the body to adequately recover from without receiving an amputation from a highly qualified medical team. While amputations can be to a toe, feet, leg, finger, arm, or even ear, John Hopkins reports that nearly 70 percent of all amputations caused by trauma are to the upper limbs. Amputations are a loss, and if someone else caused the trauma, they need to be held liable for the damages the victim sustained. No amount of compensation can make the body whole again, but a personal injury claim can provide financial stability for the victim as they seek medical treatment and a new way of living. Contact our experienced Bradenton amputation injury attorneys today for more information or assitance.


Crushing Injuries – Crushing injuries in vehicle collisions often occur when a driver’s legs are trapped underneath the steering column when the car’s crumple zone cannot fully take the impact of the crash. Crushing injuries also occur when vulnerable road users become trapped underneath a car that hits them.

Degloving Injuries – Degloving occurs when the skin is ripped back from the body and all of its subcutaneous attachments. When this occurs the skin can necrotize or die and the damage beneath it may be such that an amputation is required.

Deep Lacerations –  If a person in a vehicle is not wearing a seatbelt or a vulnerable road is hit by a driver, they may shatter the car glass window or windshield. In some cases the glass not only cuts into the skin, but severs tendons, nerves, and blood vessels in such a manner that surgeons cannot repair the damage and an amputation becomes necessary.

Burn Injuries – If a vehicle ignites into flames after a collision, any person trapped inside will be burned. Third degree burns affect the dermis, the epidermis, nerve endings, and sometimes muscle underneath. Burns may require amputation if an infection begins or if they are sustained along with other damage to the area such as bone fractures.


Amputations are only required after severe injuries and the emotional loss along with the financial burden can be devastating to a victim. According to the Florida Amputee Coalition, the two-year costs of a unilateral lower-extremity amputation, including hospitalization, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and a prosthetic device, is estimated to exceed $90,000. In addition to simply the medical costs associated, an amputee likely had to take time off work to recover and may no longer be able to hold the same job as they had before their injuries. When filing a claim for compensation, pain and suffering is also taken into consideration. Physiopedia reported that about 30 percent of amputees are troubled by depression. While compensation can not outright heal the emotional trauma that a victim experiences, it can improve their quality of life and also make therapy a financially viable option.


If you or a loved one has gone through an amputation because of a negligent driver, it is time to seek legal counsel. The Bradenton amputation injury attorneys at Hale Law represent all road users in filing insurance claims and seeking compensation for the damages. Call 561-286-4876  to schedule a free consultation today.