What If I Was Hurt In My Sarasota Condo Building?

There are many reasons why Sarasota residents and Florida residents alike choose to live in a condo. After all, condos are often a more affordable option than buying a house and are commonly located near entertainment options, restaurants, and businesses. Also, condo owners do not have to worry about the upkeep of the property as the owners of single family homes do.

Of course, there can be problems that arise with condo ownership. For example, if you are injured in the common area of your Sarasota condo building, you may not know how to secure compensation for doctor bills and lost income. Talk to a Sarasota personal injury lawyer about your options right away. There are statutes of limitations on personal injury cases, meaning time limits to file a lawsuit, so it is important to not put off a claim that could be handled today.

Insurance Policies and Your HOA

Condos, townhouses, and some communities have homeowners’ associations (“HOAs”) that manage the buildings and surrounding grounds. There are monthly dues each condo unit owner pays to cover the expenses of common areas. Rules are also established as well, such as if pets are allowed and what type of landscaping is permitted.

With a board of directors in place, another thing HOAs are responsible for is making sure the property’s common areas are safe. The condo building carries its own insurance policy separate from an individual’s homeowners’ policy. If you were injured in a condo common area, you could be compensated through the building’s insurance.

Examples of some common areas:

  • Carports
  • Elevators
  • Pools and tennis courts
  • Fitness rooms
  • Laundry areas
  • Rooftop decks
  • Gardens and yards

There are also some Florida and Sarasota condo communities with common areas that are only accessible to some condo owners. For example, there could be gardens shared by a certain number of units or a garage set aside for a specific group of owners. A Sarasota personal injury lawyer can look over your claim and let you know the best strategy for securing a fair settlement amount given all available avenues of insurance.

Settlements Through an Insurance Claim are Likely

If you are worried about taking your HOA to court, know that in a lot of situations an insurance claim settlement resolves the issue without having to do so. There are times when a lawsuit is needed and the HOA needs to be involved, but that is not always required following a condo common area slip and fall injury.

Your monthly condo dues pay, in part, for the maintenance of your building’s common areas. Dues are fairly distributed between owners, and typically the square footage of each unit determines that unit’s dues. When an accident happens, you deserve compensation. Common areas need to be safe and maintained for all condo residents to enjoy.

Did you have to go to the hospital after you tripped and fell in your Sarasota condo building’s fitness center, elevator, or hallway? A seasoned attorney can help you secure compensation for medical fees and time off of work. Contact the personal injury lawyers at Hale Law. To schedule a free consultation, call at 941-735-4529 or contact us online. We don’t get paid unless you do.