Unfortunately, Florida ranks as the worst state in the country for pedestrian safety, with the highest rate of pedestrian fatalities in all 50 states, according to the Miami Herald. The same is true for bicyclists: Florida is the most dangerous state in the nation when it comes to riding a bike, and has the highest number of cyclist fatalities in the country. According to AAA, 16 percent of all cyclist fatalities occur in Florida. In the vast majority of cases, the motorist is at fault when it comes to pedestrian and bicyclist injuries, though the driver often attempts to blame the victim for “jumping out into the street” or “coming out of nowhere.” The West Palm Beach bicycle & pedestrian accident attorneys at Hale Law see through these poor excuses, and hold the negligent drivers accountable for our clients.
Florida, like all states, prioritizes motor vehicles over pedestrians and cyclists, preferring to add lanes and increase speed limits instead of implementing traffic calming devices and investing in public transportation and pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. However, this is no excuse for a negligent driver’s behavior. Cyclists and pedestrians have a right to be on the road, and it is the responsibility of each driver to pay attention, stay off their phones, slow down, move over, and yield right of way to vulnerable road users. Distracted driving, aggressive driving, impatient driving, and drunk driving are leading causes of pedestrian and cyclist injuries and fatalities, and these negligent drivers must be held accountable.
The injuries that pedestrians and cyclists face when run down by motorists are often extreme. Victims often face large medical expenses and must take months off of work to recover. We can help you recover these damages, as well as pain and suffering, property damage, emotional distress, and more. To talk to one of our compassionate West Palm Beach pedestrian and bicyclist injury attorneys today at Hale Law P.A., call 561-277-3397 to schedule a free consultation.