While everyone knows that stop means stop, it is common for cars and trucks to roll through stop signs. Sometimes drivers run stop signs, without even slowing down. When a driver fails to stop, it is dangerous and illegal. Severe accidents have occurred due to drivers not abiding by traffic signs and signals.
If a driver failing to stop was the reason for your car accident, you need legal support to secure the damage recovery you deserve. An experienced Sarasota car accident lawyer can help. After a Florida car accident, you should not have to pay expenses due to the conduct of a careless driver.
It is Illegal to Run or Roll Through Stop Signs
Everyone using public roads needs to follow traffic signals to provide a safe environment for themselves and others. To enforce these rules, there are laws in place. Even if an accident does not occur, a driver can receive a violation for failing to stop at a stop sign. In Florida, the ticket will likely carry a fine of $125. A driver who fails to stop at a stop sign is breaking the law, even when no one else is present at the intersection.
Pedestrians who are crossing a road believe drivers will stop at stop signs. If an individual is walking across a street and a car moves quickly through a stop sign, there can be severe injuries.
Reasons for Accidents Involving Stop Signs
After an accident, there are times when all of the drivers involved do not believe they were at fault. Even if someone claims they are in the right, they may have broken a law. When a driver runs through a stop sign, it may be possible to prove the accident was due to their negligence.
Situations when stop sign accidents occur:
- Driver not paying attention. When a driver is not aware of their surroundings, they can miss signage.
- Visual barriers. Stop signs can be obscured by other vehicles, bushes, or trees.
- Bad weather. Rain or sun glare may impair a driver’s vision.
- Not understanding right-of-way. If two drivers think they have the right to travel through an intersection, accidents are possible.
Talk to a Sarasota car accident lawyer if you were involved in a stop sign accident. A failure to stop could make a driver liable, even if they believe they have not made an error. When you are on the roads, be sure to come to a complete stop at all stop signs. It is the law, and you will be doing your part to avoid traffic accidents.
If You Were Injured Because a Driver Ran a Stop Sign, Unleash Hale
A driver is legally required to stop at a stop sign. If you were injured because of another’s negligence, the Sarasota attorneys at Hale Law can help. Our lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means there are no fees or costs if we are unable to recover compensation. For a free consultation, call us anytime at 941-735-4529.